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The Adventures of James Bomb - Game Tips and Review

If you have browsed the web for unique games which provide the best elements of several good games you have played, then you definitively love hybrids. Online games can be quite good at mixing great things together in order to make one great game, this is the case of the Prince of Persia, Frank's Adventures, Alien Carnage and the Maze/War hybrid called "The adventures of James bomb" As the name implies, the game is based on a guy called James who is a specialist in bombs.

James is placed on a maze which is divided by concrete walls as well as wooden walls which can be blasted away using bombs, behind scr888 hack software download these fake walls there are many bonuses which vary according to the level you are in, during the first level you may find a red bomb which indicates you are now able to detonate bombs which are far more powerful than the ones you had, the only thing you should remember is that since the explosions are far stronger you should get away fast in order to avoid blasting yourself.

Another bonus is a set of 3 bombs which increases the damage you can inflict by detonating bombs, there are other items which you will find as you advance from level to level such as diamonds which provides you extra lifes, other bonuses may even help you power down your bombs so you don't blast yourself. Invincible shields can be found behind those walls as well. Besides counting with some serious blasting power you have to avoid several enemies which act like the enemies you find in Pacman, these ghosts and monsters roam around the maze and are out to get you, some of the bad ones can even walk across the wooden walls as if there was nothing there so beware of those ghost-like monsters.

You can blast any monster with your bombs. Once you have blasted all the wooden walls and avoided being killed by the monsters you can advance to the next level which will be harder than the first. As you advance new bonuses and bomb types are revealed to you and the number of ghosts, piranhas and monsters increases. If you want to stay alive and have a little insurance for the times you get killed you need to make sure you grab the diamonds as they give you extra lives. Blast all the monsters away and have fun!
